What are the benefits of Care Connexions UK Ltd?

Our service provision is based within the framework and remit of the Mental Capacity Act 2005, the Care Act 2015, Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014, Clinical Governance, Dignity in Care, Equality Act 2010, GDPR 2018 and full compliance with CQC Regulations.

Help for everyday tasks, social activities or personal care.

We adopt the person centered approach which means you are in control of your own care and support plan at all times.

24/7 support from a dedicated and highly trained team.
Support from local people who know your area.
Rapid response service.

We have a diverse and dedicated care staff who excel in Service Users care and are able to communicate effectively with our Service Users, as well as to their family members.

We are proactive in involving family members with the plan of care for their loved ones if required, which adds confidence to the care provided by Care Connexions UK Ltd.